Saturday, October 16, 2010

You've Got Mail

"You've got mail."
I looked over at my laptop. Who in the world emails at this hour of the night? It's almost midnight! I thought. I clicked on the message from Derek's mom. It had something to do with Derek and how he was doing teaching English on the other side of the world...
There was an attachment, a picture, of him with one of the other teachers he was there with. Someone named Cameron Young who is a solid 6 inches taller than Derek. Or at least, that's what the description said. The picture was taking forever to download...
Finally it popped up. At first I gasped, then laughter burst forth. Derek had gained at least 25 pounds over the last little while. Boy, foreign countries were definitely not being nice to him. And yet, he was still the most adorable man I'd ever met, and in all honesty, I couldn't find anyone else I found more attractive.
I sighed. Man, I miss him.

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