Monday, October 4, 2010


I had spent an hour writing this letter. An hour! I didn't even take that long to write a paper for any of my classes and I still got A's.
I've always been the sentimental type. Words mean so very much to me and writing letters and small notes has been my way to let people know just how much I care. And so once again, I spent an hour pouring out my feelings and praise to her, telling her how wonderful and great she was. I signed it, put it in an envelope and put on my running clothes.
I hadn't ran in who knew how long. Probably months before, because I always found excuses not to. But I was going to stop that if it killed me. And so I stuffed the letter in my pocket in my sweats before locking the house door behind me. Then I took off running.
It's roughly a 20 minute run to Carrie's house. I figured I could last that long, even if I hadn't ran in months. So far, so good. I had my iPod playing and I was running to the beat. After 15 minutes, I reached down to check on my letter, making sure it was still there before I ran up the huge hill to reach her house.
And it was gone.
I searched all along the road, hoping it would be there and wasn't ruined in a puddle from the raining earlier in the day. I started running back to my house, taking the same sides of the road I did on my way there. Block after block, there was nothing. Not a single sign of that little white envelope. As I came to my street, I finally began to walk. Running for a half hour straight was no easy thing, especially while scouring the asphalt for a letter. As I stepped off the sidewalk to cross the street directly in front my house, I saw a suspicious looking white thing, lying in the road.
I leaned over and picked it up. Carrie's letter, slightly damp, but perfectly readable. I huffed for a moment and slowly walked to my car, pulling out my keys.
"No way am I running another half hour plus to get this to her," I muttered, opening my door. I slammed it shut and ignited the engine.

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