Saturday, October 2, 2010


I didn't know what I was doing. But I knew exactly why I was doing it.
Jason, I need your help. From Kristen 4:36pm
That's all the simple text said and immediately I replied back. What do you need?
It had been two weeks since we had talked last. Or rather, since I had talked to her. She had been sending random texts the first few days after the dance telling me what a horrible person I was for treating Annie so bad. But I ignored her ever time. I wanted to talk to her when she texted me, I wanted to reply, but I just couldn't do it. I was going to prove, at least to myself, that I didn't need Kristen in my life. I didn't need her and I could be perfectly fine without her.
Well, at least that's what I was telling myself.
I knew that wasn't true, but I was going to try forcing myself to believe it anyway. Even if it did hurt me, I would keep ignoring her. After all I've already lasted two weeks. But I realized the moment I read that text, there was no way I could deny her pleas for help. Not when she said needed me. She needed me.
The only thought that could explain why I was doing what I was doing is that I love her. But I wasn't about to own up to it. So instead, I shoved that thought back and buried it six feet under. Sure, I cared. And I'd admit to that to myself, and even to her on the rare occasion these days. But no one was going to know that I didn't just love her as I would love a best friend, but was in love with her.

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