Wednesday, October 20, 2010


"Muscle Milk? Who actually drinks that stuff?" I wondered aloud. It sounded disgusting. Even if it was chocolate flavored.
"I do," Darren said, pulling a can off the shelf. "And it's pretty good too."
I had to hold back a gag. "Oh yeah, if by good you mean nasty." He glared in my direction. "Ha, yeah, I'm sure it's splendid," I corrected myself, rolling my eyes. Of all the things...
"That's right. And lucky you, we're making shakes tonight with it for the family get together!"
Immediately I choked on my saliva. "We're what?!"
"Yup. It's part of mom and dad's "get healthy" plan. Now I don't have to go buy my own snacks or work off the junk food..." he muttered.
Only Darren would be concerned about that. Stupid high school jock brother. "I think I'm gonna be sick..."

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