Tuesday, October 19, 2010


"Elliot, wait up!" My feet were tripping over twigs left and right. Leaves and branches crunched beneath my feet.
"Hurry up, Kellie! You're falling behind!" he called back with a glance over his shoulder.
Trees flew past on either side as I ran through the green foliage. I couldn't catch up to El while I was dodging so much of nature around me. I swatted at a branch as I ran by, but it flung back in my face.
"Ow," I grumbled, pushing forward. I couldn't lose him.
"Kellie, we're almost there, just another hundred yards or so!"
I rubbed my face really quick, opening and closing my eyes, trying to refocus them. My pace slowed until I stopped, my cheek hurting too much. Putting my hand in front of my face, my fingers had splotches of red on them. Pressing them together, I found them to be sticky, but they weren't too bad.
Looking around, I was disoriented. I didn't have a clue where Elliot had run to. I called out to him. "Where'd you go?"
"Over here."
I turned to my right and started walking toward his voice. Pushing a branch to the side, I looked in to where he was, sitting cross-legged in the grass, and gasped. A field of yellow expanded across my view, sunflowers sprouting up each way I looked. I looked at Elliot; he motioned to me.
With his arm outstretched to me, he pulled me down to the ground with him. He turned to look at me with a smile on his face.
"Like it?" he asked.
"Like it? I love it. This place. It's absolutely beautiful."
Elliot lifted his hand and brushed his fingers across my cheek and my eyes were drawn to his. "Nah, the only beautiful thing here is you."

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