Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Morning After

An annoying beep continued to ring in the air. I swatted to my left and shut it up, simultaneously flopping my body on my stomach. Burying my face in the pillow, I made a couple grunts. I was not ready to be awake.
I turned my face to look at the clock. 7:00 am. School started at 7:45, which meant I had another hour I could sleep and still be on time to class.
"I love Russ on these days," I muttered, letting myself drift off to sleep.
The annoyance returned all too short of time though. I swung my feet over my bed and slowly got up to brush my teeth and put on a hoody and sweats. There was no way I was going to make it today otherwise.
Pulling out the drawer in the bathroom, I searched for my toothbrush and paste. But the toothpaste wasn't anywhere. I opened all the drawers, even my brother's, trying to find it. Finally I called up the stairs.
"Mom, have you seen the toothpaste anywhere?"
"No, Jason. Unless Max took it for some reason, I haven't seen it!"
I slouched and walked back to the bathroom to put away my toothbrush. Apparently I was being anti-hygiene for the day.
The clock seemed to be glaring at me as I put on my hoody. It was 8:10 now, and I needed to be in class by 8:15 just in case Russ took role today.
Grabbing my keys, I ran up the stairs to grab a quick bite to eat before slamming the door shut to the garage. I sped a little on the way too school. Lucky for me, I have my own parking spot by the station, so it only took me moments to walk into class once I got out of my car. But it seemed to slip my mind the whole 20 minutes I had now been awake that it was a B day. Meaning Kristen was here with me. And would be; all day. I spotted her the moment I walked into the room, and noticed she was looking at me too and smiled. Somehow, I seemed to have forgotten how beautiful her smile is. Kristen got up and started walking over to me. And I froze.
I couldn't deal with her right now. She would expect me to be nice, especially after our conversation last night. Especially since it went past 4 am. But I couldn't be. If I did that, I knew everything would come together which would then make it fall apart. I couldn't be nice to her, not like I was yesterday, but I couldn't give her the cold shoulder. I was stuck and I had no escape.

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