Saturday, September 18, 2010


Birthdays. I hate birthdays. What is the point behind them, honestly? All it is is a reminder that you're old, and who wants that? It just implies that it's now time to grow up and that's no fun. I'm going to stay young forever and always be ten.
I began fiddling with my keys, attempting to unlock my apartment door. Gratefully, I knew I would be able to go to sleep soundly and not deal with anymore birthday festivities since there was only one person who had a key to this apartment. However, she was out of town on business. Not that I would have minded any birthday surprises from her, but I could wait for my wife.
I was finally able to yank the door open and I flipped on the lights on. My eyes widened in shock.
"Surprise!" Peyton cried as the I stared at her. She wasn't supposed to be home. How was she home?
"Nathaniel..." she whispered my name. "You don't look very happy to see me," she said with a pout. I was sure she was joking. Did she realize how she was dressed? Would it even be possible for me to not be happy to see her when she looked like that? My cheeks burned slightly at my thoughts and she giggled.
"Actually, I suppose you are happy," she said walking over to me, reaching up with her tiptoes to kiss me.
"Happy Birthday, Nathaniel," she muttered against my lips. I couldn't help but smile.
My arms tangled up around her when my lips touched hers again, caressing her face. My foot kicked the door closed behind us with a thud.
Maybe I didn't want to stay ten years old forever.

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