Sunday, September 26, 2010


"Well, how has your practicing gone this summer? Who have you been playing with lately? Anyone worthwhile?" I couldn't handle the awkward silence that was going on. I may have been all right with this over-sized elephant at the start of this adventure, but it had now gained a ton or two and it has now long outstayed its welcome. I was going to shove it out of this room, or it was going to squash and kill me. I couldn’t decide which would be worse.
“Oh. It’s been all right. I get kind of bored playing with the girls I do, but I don’t have any other options really. My best friend and his buddies kind of deserted me a few months back, for some unknown reason to me” I couldn’t help but cringe at that. “I actually think my game has digressed because of it. These girls are no challenge at all, even if they are on my team. It’s pretty much worse than useless.”
Before I truly processed what she had said, what I was thinking, and what words were forming in my head, I spoke. “You should come play with us tomorrow night. We’re short a few guys and you’re better than most of them on the team anyway.”
The look of shock seemed to be permanently stuck on her face. I’m sure my face was pretty priceless too though. We stared at each other for a couple minutes before I finally looked away, coughing awkwardly.
“Uh, well, I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, Jason…” she tentatively said. My face flamed red.
“Oh, yeah. Right. Totally okay. I don’t know what I was thinking,” I muttered lamely.
“Well, I mean I’ll probably not be able to keep up with you guys anymore, you know. “ That threw me for a loop. I thought it was because of me… I had to think of something new to say.
“Oh, come on. You’d be great I’m sure.” I couldn’t let her think I thought she couldn’t play well anymore. I knew she could. Just because we didn’t talk much anymore didn’t mean I never watched her play from time to time, wishing from afar that I could be out there with her. I missed the days where we played for hours, and I’d give just about anything to get that back.
“Really? I don’t know. Do you really think so?” she asked, eyes filled with hope. And here we go again… How do I answer that without crushing her? Again.
“Yeah. You really are Kristen. Honestly.” I reached out and touched her shoulder and she smiled at me. And it was genuine, which was something that I hadn’t seen in a long time.
“Wow, you’re really warm,” she told me.
“Are you cold? Oh, man I’m sorry Kristen. Here, come over here.” I lifted my arm up and waved my hand at her. “We’ll scoot in closer to the fire too.”
Scooting ourselves over to the fire, we huddled close together. She rested her head on my shoulder and I could’ve sworn I heard her sigh softly, content.
And just like that, whatever elephant had been in place for these months had finally been pushed aside. The stone cut walls were broken down and once again, we were best friends for the moment.

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