Thursday, September 2, 2010


I've been sitting in front of this computer for the last 6 or so hours. Why? Because I have an addiction.
Whoa, now wait a minute. Before you start coming up with a million reasons as to what this addiction is, let me put your mind at ease. It's not porn, World of Warcraft, or even the new Star Craft 2 game. In fact, it's nothing even relatively similar. It's something far more hilarious, entertaining and, might I say, witty than any other of these things one normally does on a computer. 
Veronica Mars has taken over my life.
All right, so perhaps I'm being a little melodramatic. It's only actually been a day since I've been watching, but oh, I don't want to go to sleep. Early work? Overrated. Sleep? Ah, who needs it? I've got Logan to keep me up all night. Him and his smart alek ways and his extremely attractive facial expressions. But I won't prattle on about that.
Needless to say though, I don't know how I'm going to get up for work and school in the morning. Maybe I'll just skip out for a day.
That sounds like a good plan.
Until next time, journal.
I placed the pen down and shut the journal cover. After putting it on my nightstand, I pulled up my laptop again and typed in the password. Within moments, my screen loaded and up popped Logan's face, mid expression. Priceless.
"And here's to a night of being alone and perfectly okay with that," I said, leaning back, kicking my feet up, and preparing myself for an all nighter. Man, I love college.

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