Sunday, September 5, 2010

Describe Me

People always try to describe me. But, really, what is there to describe? I've got a whole list of words people have used though; brilliant, strange, out of the ordinary, stubborn, genius, open minded, proud, odd, far fetched, weird, anything but normal...
Normal. I scoff at the word. Have you ever thought about it really? What is normal? After all, who's to say what is considered out of the ordinary or simply what is best? Society could just be wrong in all its thinking. Perhaps, I not only am normal, but weird as well. I've seen things, you know. I've heard sweet nothings and been around for things you couldn't begin to imagine. And somehow, that's considered weird. To hear voices in my head, to see things before they happen. I'm like Jon Schmidt's Pachabel meets U2, only I'm Edward meets Alice, as disgusted as I am at using a Twilight reference. But how else can I describe the phenomena that is me?
Right. I can't.
And frankly, neither can you.

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