Monday, September 27, 2010

If You're Going to Fail...

This entire semester I have done next to no work. I have been under the impression that I have some of the easiest professors on campus. Psychology with Larson only has one report for the entire semester, and the only project in Psychology History is a group presentation on a historical figure. 3 question quizzes in my Astronomy class every class day happened without fail with Professor Moody, but no homework other than reading which has been really nice the first month of the semester.
Or so I thought.
"On Wednesday you're Astronomy Observations are due, along with your worksheet. Tomorrow is the last day to take the test, unless you want to pay the $5 late charge to take it Wednesday." I about fell out of my seat in the planetarium. Astronomy Observation? Worksheet? What is Mad-Eye Moody talking about?
As quickly as I could log onto my Astronomy class site after my classes were over, I looked under course documents. Sure enough, a worksheet was listed. When I saw the number of pages it was, my eyes bugged out of my head.
22 pages? 4 of which are definitions?! I'm going to fail this test...
 "Well. If I'm going to fail, I better fail epically or there's no point to it."
And with that, I shut down my laptop and went to Carson's house, forgetting the homework and studying for the test entirely.

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