Saturday, August 7, 2010


I stared at the clock on my desk. It was midnight now, but I sat down anyway. I had a pen in my hand, paper laying flat. I knew I needed to write down my feelings. I knew that somehow, I needed to express myself instead of bottling it up inside. I had to let myself go, let the hurt and sorrow that was building up go. But I didn't know where to start. Where do you start when your best friend does a 180? How do you go on when the love of your life is gone for 2 years? I asked myself. I didn't know the answer. So I just started with the first thing that came to mind, the first thing I thought of that I truly hated. And I started writing.


The ever consistent inconsistency.

Time alters everything. It changes everyone. Things you wish never had to change. It ruins moments at their greatest point; it can make the worst time into the best of situations, depending on your point of view. Is my glass half empty, or half full? Am I looking in the long run, or the short distance? Even with this outlook though, it’s sad when the people you know become the people you knew, and you have to walk by them and ignore the times when you were inseparable. When nothing else mattered. When it was just you and them and being friends. It changes just a single element or aspect of your life, but it’s as if it’s the most important aspect at the time. The most comfortable one. And yet, what are we to do? Time doesn’t slow for the lowliest of beings. It’s not just everything around us that changes, but we are altered too. We’re not the same people who we used to be. The seasons have changed, and gone on with the time. For good or for ill, we can’t tell yet. But before the end, we will see.

Sometimes, time ruins everything. Its ever-changing constancy is changing things too fast. So return to me, unaltered moments. And come back to the way things used to be. Or move on faster, and bring me what I need. Fast-forward, and make things right again. Turn the table of time and make things whole. Make things how they need to be.
I put my pen down on the paper. Time was my problem. This thing that doesn't even exist except in the human mind. But that was all. If it would go back, my best friend would still be just that. I would have my love here with me. Or if it fast forwarded, I could help change him. I could still save my best friend. And I would still have the love of my existence with me once more. Having no one wasn't working for me. Having no one was causing me to go downhill. So I picked up my pen again and started to write. I didn't stop until dawn.


  1. I've heard it said that age is a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter. Time, I feel, is the same way. It is only a word, a thought, an idea. Why not think something different? Why not use your words in another way?

    Time only changes all things if we let it. That which is important can be kept, and never be past tense.

    And, while I may not know a thing about the friends in this post, I do know that it takes two people to let a relationship fall apart.

  2. This wasn't about me... but a character :P I haven't gotten far enough to know what she is talking about yet. And no, time doesn't only change things if we let it. No matter what, my body ages every day, whether I will it to or not. Just saying. While time is something made up by humans, that doesn't make it any less of a thing... You just have a different mind than most, you know that ;)

  3. Oh, and sometimes, it doesn't take two people. I've lost many a friend, even when I tried and put my heart and soul into keeping them. If one doesn't want it, it doesn't stay.

  4. And yet, if you stay in touch with them, it always has the potential to begin anew.

    And perhaps your body is different. But are you sure you aren't just remembering it wrong? Perhaps the ways things affect your body and the way you see things are what is different, and not your body at all.

    Furthermore, I don't think our bodies are that important. And if it is writ by a character, then just pretend my response is too.

  5. Being in touch does not mean you are still friends.

    Yes, yes I am sure. Stop using your crazy logic on me :P

    Our bodies are also the key point to our existence. And most definitely important.
