Thursday, August 19, 2010


I absolutely adore little kids. There is a reason I majored in Elementary Education and now teach second graders. Sometimes, though, they get a little bit off their rockers.
One morning when I had asked for all the kids spelling homework, I noticed that Dallas didn't pass his forward. I need to explain him a bit. He was the cream of the crop. I had never met a kid that was more studious at such a young age. He always had his homework done on time; usually before it was even due. For Dallas to not have it most likely meant that something awful was going on at home, or some such thing.
Cautiously, I walked over to him and got down to his level, looking him in the eye.
"Hey, Dallas. You didn't pass your homework up. That's really unusual for you."
He refused to look at me once I had finished.
"Is there a reason for that?"
Dallas made a point of looking anywhere but at me.
"Come on now. You can tell me. I'm not going to get mad, Dallas. What is it?"
Slowly, his eyes came in contact with mine. Quietly, he began to mumble something. I couldn't hear him and asked if he could repeat himself. This time, he spoke loud, very loud, and clear.
"Aliens beamed down and sucked up my homework to the Mothership!"
All I could do was stare at him in disbelief. Had he really just said that? Surely I heard him wrong.
"What was that?"
He made an exasperated sigh. "A-li-ens-came-down-and-sucked-up-my-home-work-to-the-Mo-ther-ship."
I stood and shook my head slightly. Dallas always turned in the rest of him homework, and had never been late even once. I decided it would be best to just let this one slide...
Obviously, someone has let Dallas watch Signs a few too many times...

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