Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I sit on the couch, curled up against his warm chest. I can feel his breathing, hear his heart beating. The sound of his heart is all I hear, his heart and silence.
But then.
Drip. Drop.
Drip. Drop.
The soft pitter patter begins.
I run to the window and looking out, I see the most glorious thing. Water splashing against the window pane, droplets cascading from the twilight sky crashing to the ground.
In my awe I fail to hear the rustling from behind me. Familiar arms wrap around my waist and I feel a slight tickle as my hair moves.  I hear a soft breath and a sigh next to my ear. I turn my face with love in my eyes.
A small smile plays about his lips, a twinkle in his eye. I can't help but let my lips turn upwards too, wondering what he's up to. Before I know it, he spins me round and grabs my hand, tugging me in the direction of the door. Keeping hold of my hand and with a grin on his face, he pulls me out into the open, out into the rain.
I start to giggle; I just can't keep it in. I see his grin widen as the noise hits his ears. The rain begins to fall harder, soaking us completely. Pulling me in close, he wraps one arm around my waist and takes hold of my hand. I look at him, cock my head to the side, asking him without words. He merely smiles.
And then, we dance.
Slowly swaying in out in the street, he keeps me close to him. All of the sudden, he spins me out, gripping my hand tightly. As he spins me back in he puts our hands above us and I fly into his arms, giggling. Chuckling himself with a smile of his own, he uses the momentum of the turn, put an arm around my waist, and dipped me back. I couldn't help but grin as he kept his leg under my back and caught me up in his stare. Keeping my eyes connected with him, slowly, almost hesitantly, he leans down. His lips brush mine softly and I can feel his breath against my skin.
Pulling me up in a standing position, he pulls back slightly to stare into my eyes and I see them twinkle as he grins. The next thing I know, he's crushing me to him, picking me up and spinning me around as the rain drenches us.
The rain keeps pouring harder, the thunder pounding around us, lightning flashing through our closed eyes. Gently, he places my feet back on the ground. His lips brush mine softly again and I slowly open my eyes. I can see the love radiating from his own, shining brightly before me. Small smiles rest upon both our faces.
"Mmm, I love the rain," I say softly, brushing some of the droplets from running down his face.
Running his nose across my face, I hear him sigh softly in contentment. Looking back to my eyes, I feel a spark flash between us and I wonder for a moment if it's the lightning. Then he speaks the words I always long to hear, no matter how many times he says them to me.
"I love you."

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