Monday, August 16, 2010


Have you ever had that moment
The one where everything stands still?
You lock eyes,
And then
Nothing else seems real.

Gazing into those hazel orbs
Glimpsing fear and awe from within,
Heart rates rise,
And then
Love bursts forth from them.

Romantic notions left aside.
Friends being there for each other.
Hope filled ties.
And then
I'm getting smothered.

Not with kisses or sweet nothings
But with arms wrapped around me tight.
I'm surprised
And then
His smile brings me light.

I look in his eyes, questioning,
Wondering, "What do I mean to you?"
His eyes smile,
And then
Proclaims, "I love you."

In a way that's meant for two
Like best friends, just me and you.
And then
I whisper.
"I love you, too."

This only kinda worked out how I wanted it to. And only a few people will know what this experience is actually referring to.

1 comment:

  1. I just thought you should know that you're a REALLY good writer- I'm jealous :)
