Thursday, August 26, 2010

5 am Work

I woke up late this morning. Apparently I forgot to set my alarm, because my mom came bursting into my room, turning on my lights, which is how I awoke.
"What are you doing?" I mumble groggily, rolling over on my pillow.
"Aren't you going to work? It's 4:30! Get up!" She flickered the lights a few times before going off to her room again. I couldn't help but sigh and grumble and wish I could go back to sleep. But the new semester starts next week, I need the money.
I rolled out of bed and got ready in five minutes. After the 20 minute drive to work, I pulled out my card to get into my building. I was so tired, though, that I dropped it right before I was able to slide it through the reader.
It wasn't until my fourth try that the little light flickered to green and unlocked the door. I opened the door and screamed.
"Raaawwwr!" is all I heard before I sent out the blood curdling cry.
"Jamie!" I hollered at the huge black man standing in front of me, who was giggling like a maniac.
"I hate you, you know! Absolutely hate you. You have no idea how glad I am tomorrow is your last day working here," I huffed, walking away as quickly as possible.
I clocked in with a sigh and walked to my cleaning closet, ignoring all onlookers. Well, at least I wasn't tired anymore.

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