Friday, August 6, 2010

Peace, Be Still

I wake up in the morning with a smile upon my face.
The sun is shining brightly sending down some of God’s grace.

I take a walk down to the sea to start my adventure there;

The smell of salt, the spray of the sea, the wind blowing through my hair.

Stepping onto the boat, it takes off on a calm and peaceful day,

But little did I know of what was bound to come my way.

At first, the breeze was light and calm, just keeping me afloat.

But soon the waves began to come and started to rock the boat.

I grasped on tightly to the wood as the waves came crashing down

My knees buckled below me and I fell down to the ground

The storm kept getting stronger and as I started to lose hope

I said a silent prayer to God that I’d be able to cope.

But water found its way into my little rocking ship,

And things just kept on hitting me; I began to lose my grip.

Water came up around me and I started to lose my will,

But as I thought the end was near I heard a voice say, “Peace, be still.”

I sensed my little vessel begin to slow its course

And felt a man reach down to me and lift with little force.

And as I looked up at his face, I beheld a wonderful thing;

The most beautiful face and loving eyes the world had ever seen.

I knew at once just who it was that saved me from this storm--

My elder brother, Jesus Christ, who came here to inform,

To let us know when we’re in need that He is always there.

That we can call on Him in every way, even in silent prayer.

For He is always listening and watching over us,

Just waiting for our plea to Him, so it’s we that He may bless.

Because even in our hardest times, He still knows what it’s like—

To lose a best friend, or to be tempted, or get into a fight.

So turn to Him in all you do, for it is only through Him

That we may get through everything and live with Him again.

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