Monday, August 2, 2010

Little Girls

I walk up the stairs and hear a sound coming from my nieces room. Peering around the corner I see her laying on her stomach with the "kids iPod" in her hands. Even the 4 year old gets to use it. I chuckle to myself. I guess that's what happens when the new iPhone 4 comes out.
"What are you watching Mae?" I ask.
She flips her little body over and gets a smile on her face as she sees me. "Hi aunt Sarah. I'm watching Madagascar!" she exclaims. "Do you want to watch too?"
I smile at her enthusiasm. "Sure, why not?" I walk over to her bed and hop on with her.
"Um, this won't work," she says, matter-of-factly. "We have to flip on our backs." I just stare at her. For a 4 year old, she can be quite serious.
"Alright, let's do that then. Do you want me to hold it up for us to watch?"
"Oh, no. I can do it all by my self." And that she does. Resting her head on my arm, she holds up the little screen just perfectly so we can both see.
"Look, it's Alex! And the zebra! And Meeeelmaaaan!" she says in a sing-song voice, laughing in excitement. I can't help but laugh along with her. I just stare at her. What I would give to be a kid again, I think.
The next thing I know, Mae is jumping around in excitement again. "Yay, the move it, move it song is starting!" she says, and before I know it, she's bouncing all over on the bed. "Come on, Sarah. Move it, move it!"
At first I didn't want to do it. I was so not up for making a fool of myself. But then I remembered my thoughts from only moments before; didn't I just barely wish that I could be a kid? I then decide that this was the perfect time to do so.
Mae and I started bouncing together on her big girl bed, up and down, side to side, heads bobbing in time with the music. And then the worst happened.
I looked up from the movie and my adorable niece to the door frame. And there stood my sister, video recording all of it.
I stare at her in shock. This cannot be happening...
"Well, this will be up on facebook within the hour," she smirks, her eyes glinting with amusement as she turns and walks back down the stairs. Laughing. No, more like cackling.
I slap my forehead, shaking my head back and forth.
Just my luck.

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