Thursday, August 12, 2010

Blogger Messaging

of a 
Teenage Flibbertigibbet

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Hilariously Clueless

It's frustrating, you know, to have to talk to someone only by messages. Not even text messages, or instant messages. But like, email messages. You know, the age old things no one ever uses anymore except to send out their resume? They're almost as bad as actual letters, snail mail. You have to sit, and wait and hope they're on and then hope they respond in a timely manner. But does that ever actually happen? Ha! Hardly. And the worst of all these "messaging" systems is Blogger's.
I always have thought myself as a pretty tech savvy girl. You know, the one who can figure out just about anything on any computer site there is if given a few minutes to do so. But oh, no. That is most definitely not so after Blogger messaging happened. Nothing like using a different messaging system to figure out how to use the Blogger messaging system, only to find out that we could've just given each other our email addresses and saved ourselves a lot of time.

"Aw, but where's the fun in that?"
I turn to face him. The person I've been trying to message for days. Matt.
"Yeah, yeah I know."
"Are you seriously writing a story about this? Can you make me look pretty?"
"Hey, not all of us have crazy minds that can be thinking of ten million things at once. I couldn't think of anything. And this was just too funny. Plus I'm tired. Now, leave me alone." I stuck my tongue out at him and turned away, ignoring his "pretty boy" remark.
Back to the blog post.

So here's how it happened:
"I'm curious. Did you get the message I sent through blogger?"-Matt.
When I got this, I just kept thinking, There's a messaging system through Blogger? Hmm. Nope, had no idea.
"Nope, because I have no idea where to go for that. Shouldn't it have gone to my email account? Because it didn't, if that's the case."-Myself.
I then proceeded to search for possible ways to one, find said message I had not received, and two reply back. After about twenty minutes, I found where my secret message had been hiding!
"Well, I sort of figured it out. It says that they will get to my email shortly... but it's been 20 minutes now. I'll get it eventually thought I guess."-Myself.
Shortly after this discovery, I went to bed thinking, Meh, I'll get the message in the morning. Only, no message ever came. However, I did get another reply from Matt... via the wrong messaging system, again.
"Well, that's sort of interesting. Try to send me one (assuming you haven't yet). I want to see what happens."-Matt.
I sighed. I didn't even know where to look to find out where to message. I used the search bar, scoured his profile and yet found nothing. I gave up. It was now the next day, plenty of time had passed for that message to get to me like Blogger said it would, and still nothing.
"So, I never got it. I give up. And I can't even figure out how to send one to you. I hate this site. It's stupid."-Myself.
Minutes later, I got a reply. Holy Canole, we were on at the same time! A messaging miracle!
"There must be something simple we are missing. Maybe I messed up how you are supposed to send it. Isn't that really the simplest solution?"-Matt.
I thought about it for a moment, and realized he was probably right. Maybe. Hopefully.
"Try sending another one. It says I have one that is waiting to be viewed, but maybe it won't come to me because I had it disabled before?" That had better be the reason, or I was going to be one super annoyed chica.
"Haha. This is fun. We're so hilariously clueless. I sent another message. And then randomly also sent some sort of friend request."-Matt.
Yeah. Real fun. It's only taken us... 36 hours to figure out the blasted thing. Assuming we even did.
Oh wait. One second, I have to go check my Gmail. I think I just got a message!
"Test 1, 2, 3, Anything but that."-Matt, via his email.
What. Please tell me you're joking. Messaging via Blogger is just emailing each other?! Bah!
Needless to say, I felt rather stupid. Hilariously clueless? Yeah, that sounds about right. I got a good laugh at our pathetic-ness and being computer inept though. At least there was that much right? However, the next time I need to message, I'm going to stick to text or instant messaging.
Preferably the original instant message, shown here:
I hope you all have an instant message happy day! ;) Good luck getting a pretty boy like Matt.
Posted by Peyton Mae Taylor at 4:56 PM          0 comments


  1. Why did you use Todd? Its such a word name. How about Theo, huh? Or, as you might have noticed, I name myself Matt in fictional works. I don't even know what Todd means, so it might be an even worse name than I currently think it is.

    And my actual response to seeing you write a story about that would probably be something like, why aren't I prettier?

  2. Nice RENT quote! :D I was a little confused though LOL kinda hard for me to follow

  3. Happy now? I changed it :P I just didn't want to take the time to ask you etc. because I was tired and needed sleep :P

  4. That's not how I would say it at all. You aren't able to make me pretty. You just don't capture my beauty when you write it out. I would state simple fact.

    Oh, and by the way, why are you changing this at all based on that incredibly irrelevant comment I made above?

  5. Well, it had to do with you, so yeah.
    Oh, and the Matt thing made sense. I was going to just use Ted, but that just seemed lame.
