Sunday, August 1, 2010


I turned left at the light, just as my advanced GPS unit told me to. Or so I thought. It began to spout off insults at me as I rounded the corner, complaining about having to re-coordinate new directions.
"Really Kitara? I specifically said left at the light, not the stop light. The street lights, you doorknob! That's not for another block."
I glared at the stupid little machine on the dashboard. It's a flippin' robot!
"Seriously Markus? Who actually calls it a stop light? Especially when the street lights aren't even on because it's daytime!" I screamed at the annoying voice.
"Apparently I need to remind you that I am a robot, meaning I am pre-programmed with certain phrases. If you want to change those phrases, program me yourself and don't be lazy. Or better yet, learn your directions!"
My blood was boiling. Not only did I listen to this constant nuisance at home every time I walked in the door, but now I installed him on my GPS. What was I thinking?
I sighed in agitation. "Remind me again why I installed you as a GPS unit too? It's bad enough that I'm hear you at home constantly, but now you're with me everywhere I go!"
Staring out the windshield, I saw a far too familiar white car with red and blue lights. Within seconds of driving by, flashing lights became visible in my rearview mirror.
Looking down at the speedometer, my eyes widened. I was going 46 mph in a 25 mph. Hmm.
I hit the breaks in w hat I thought was a sly manner and began to slow to a normal speed. But as the lights continued to flash, I accepted the fact he was coming after me. I pulled over and waited in bitter frustration form my consequence.
"Curse you, Markus."

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