Saturday, November 6, 2010

They Said Brains, Not Trains...

They were always such jerks to me. I hated the basketball team and everything they stood for. Just because I wasn't their cup of tea apparently meant that they had every right to torture me at every their every whim and thought.
"Honestly Sarah, when was the last time I actually cared at all?"
"How should I know? You're the one who can just shut off your feelings." He always was one to ask stupid questions. I got tired of them so quickly these days. My brother, Kurt, was such an idiot at times. Even more so when his idiot basketball friends picked on me and he watched and laughed.
"That's my point though, really. I shut my feelings off all the time. Meaning, I don't care about your stupid probelms. Get the picture?" he said, walking away.
I screamed for a moment. "Can't you just please talk to them for me? You're my brother! You're supposed to look out for me!"
"Must have missed that in the job description," he said, nonchalantly, making his way through the front door. I flinched as the door slammed shut.
"Must have missed your brain too. Probably thought they said 'trains' instead as they were handing them out to everyone..." I muttered.

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