Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sleeping in Class

" get so many stories of Greek heritage and culture in those depictions by Homer..."
I couldn't type fast enough for what he was saying. I never knew what we needed to know in this class since apparently what notes I had been taking all semester was never quite good enough once the tests came around.
"...was everything. Sundyata is so important in these areas..."
I squinted my eyes at my screen. My notes looked horrible. Something like this:
geek hertige y culure in those depiccctionss by hhomer.
I hadn't realized I was falling asleep. Not that that was very suprising; after all, I'd been up since 4 am this morning. I felt my eyes start to slip close again and I couldn't shake the feeling. 10 hours of sleep over the last 3 days was definitely catching up on me.

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